Front End Interview Recap 2021 — Reddit

Trying to get by
2 min readFeb 3, 2021

The state of front end or front-end interviewing in 2021 is mostly fretting between whether the interview will be more focused on things like, “tell me how Y works?” or “Make thing X in React/Angular in an hour” or “Solve this leetcode-like problem. Maybe 2” or a combination of the three. I don’t really have a take on whether each one is more appropriate to discern whether a person would be a good fit on the job. But companies could be more transparent regarding that. Hiring is hard, I get it, and with the bay area salaries as described on Leetcode forums or Team Blind is any indication, an error in hiring proves costly for any company.

Company: Reddit

Role: Front end

The phone screen was over google hangouts plus a code sharing site. The first part of the interview was general knowledge. Again, this is front end. What is cross site scripting. The difference between GET and POST. How to optimize a page with a ton of DOM nodes. Then it was coding.

You’re given a javascript object like below. You’re asked to go through the days and add up all the pageviews, uniques. Find day that had the most and least traffic. Then you’re asked to find the 7 days where the traffic was highest. The interviewer, even keeled yet uncharasmatic, offered that it was a sliding window problem.

const daysAndTraffic = {
'01-01-2020': {
'ios': { unique: 123, pageviews: 456 }
'android': { unique: 345, pageviews: 789 }
'01-02-2020': {
'ios': { unique: 1234, pageviews: 4567 }
'android': { unique: 3456, pageviews: 6789 }

I just don’t have enough leetcode experience to do it. Front end devs really need to drop more hints on what is out there. Hope this helps someone. As we used to type, “hf gl”.

